Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Free Consumer Report on How to Improve Your Credit Score


What Everyone Needs to Know
Question: Why Should I Care What My Credit Score Is?
Answer: Having a Higher Credit Score Gives You Many More Choices. With a Good Credit Score You Get To Call the Shots. You Decide Who Has the Privilege of Doing Business With You. Having a Better Credit Score Allows You to Borrow at Better Interest Rates And Better Terms. Insurance Rates May Also Be Significantly Lower.
Question: How Do They Come Up With Credit Scores?
Answer: Credit Scores Are Derived From Different Models that Are Calculated From Their Formulas that Are Designed to Show the Likelihood that the Borrower Will Become 90 days Late or Delinquent on an Account Within the Next 24 Months. 
Question: What About Those Companies that Offer Credit Repair?
Answer: BEWARE! There is No Magical Way to Instantly “Doctor” Your Credit Score. Many Companies Make Outrageous Claims About How “They” Can Make Your Credit Problems Go Away. This is Simply Not True. Most of These Companies Actually Hurt Your Credit More Than They Help You. Even the Consumer Credit Counseling Services Can Significantly Damage Your Credit.
Question: What About Those “Free” Credit Report Companies that Have Popped Up All Over Recently?
Answer: Again, BEWARE! I Have Yet to See Anything That is Actually FREE From Any of These Companies. Some of Them Will Give You One Free Report With NO Credit Score Unless You Pay For It. Some Will Give You One Score From One Bureau And Want You To Pay For the Other Two. Most Want To Sign You Up For a Monthly FEE Program. They May Give You a Couple of Months With No Charge And Then They Debit Your Credit Card. Maybe They Should Have a Website, Something Like “NoSuchThingAsAFreeCreditReport.COM”  You Can Improve Your Credit On Your Own With NO Monthly Fee if You Just Know a Couple of Trade Secrets.
Question: What About Those Monthly Monitoring Companies That Look Out For Fraud, Identity Theft And My Well Being?
Answer: I’m Sure Most of the Companies Are Probably Fine. But Why Do You Need Another Monthly Payment? Chances Are…You DON’T! There’s A Very Little Known Technique You Can Implement To Prevent Identity Theft. You Simply Send A Fraud Alert To the Credit Bureaus. Only 3 Short Letters, 3 Envelopes and 3 Stamps. It’s That Simple. NO MONTHLY FEES! 
Question: What If I Have Filed Bankruptcy Or Already Have Collections And Judgments?
Answer: There Are Several Ways to Improve Your Credit Score Even If You Have Filed Bankruptcy And/Or You Have Collections And Judgments. There Are Little Known Things You Can Do No Matter Where You Are.
Question: What If I Have Good Credit? Can I Still Improve My Score?
Answer: You Can Always Improve Your Credit Score No Matter Where You Are At.
Question: What If I Am Starting Out OR Re-Starting Out in Life And Don’t Have Any Credit?
Answer: There Are Some Ways To Establish Credit When You Just Know How. It’s Not Difficult And It can Be Done.
Question: What If Some Of the Information Is Incorrect on My Credit Report?
Answer: You May Dispute Incorrect Information On Your Credit Report. The Bureaus Must Verify the Information As Being Factual In Order For It To Remain On Your Credit Report.
Question: Can I Add My “2 Cents Worth” To My Credit Report?
Answer: It’s Not Well Known And You Can Add Your “2 Cents” To Your Credit Report. The Bureaus Allow For You To Add Up To 100 Words to Your Credit Report to Explain Your Situation, i.e. Divorce, Illness, Accident, Laid Off, etc…
Question: What Else Do I Need To Know To Increase My Credit Score?
Answer: In Addition To All These Questions There Are Many Other, Easy to Understand Techniques To Improve YOUR Credit Score. I Have Put Together Some Very Prudent, Little Known Information on Improving Your Credit Score.

By: John R. Lee

Most of the information contained in this text has come from experience, i.e. blood, sweat, tears, trials and errors. What started off as a necessity from my own circumstances, turned into a lifetime quest to help others obtain financial intelligence in regards to their credit. There seems to be a lack of good information when it comes to your financial and credit well-being. It is my intent to provide you with good information that you will be able to apply to your own situation and betterment. Just by opening these pages you are taking a very important and giant step towards upgrading your life. Regardless of where you are currently there is always room for improvement. Our hope is that our experiences will be beneficial for you. Thank you for taking the time to increase your education and understanding of Improving Your Credit Score.

About the Author
John R Lee has been in the financial service industry for over 25 years. He has been a mortgage broker for over ten years working with nonconforming borrowers and lenders. Through John’s innovative debt elimination program and education he has helped many that thought they were credit impaired. He has also worked extensively as an insurance agent in all lines. In recent years he has become a real estate investor buying and selling properties. Also working with many first time homebuyers he is currently involved with owner financing properties. By educating those that have credit issues John has been able to assist many in overcoming what has seemed like credit nightmares and turning those into “dreams come true” situations. This ongoing education continues to add to his tremendous success.

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Monday, January 24, 2011


The World Needs Dreamers And the World Needs Doers...But Above All, the World Needs Dreamers that DO...~Sarah Ban Breathnach~...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Attitude :)


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Real Estate Survey

Secrets of How this Little Guy is Creating Wealth in Today's Real Estate Market

Click Here https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGYtWE1VdUxYTDk2aDF2U1g1ZmstZ0E6MQ

Hi Friends,

I trust you are having a nice and prosperous new year.

Please take just a moment to fill out my short survey.

Thank you J

John Lee


Click Here https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGYtWE1VdUxYTDk2aDF2U1g1ZmstZ0E6MQ

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Secrets of How this Little Guy Is Creating Wealth in Today's Real Estate Market


I am John Lee. Today I am a full time real estate investor. I have bought and sold 1,000’s of properties in Missouri for back taxes. And I have never been to a Government Tax Auction. The experts said it can’t be done.

One of the problems in Missouri is that all 115 counties have their auctions on the same day in August. You have to be there in person and cannot have a representative in place of you. Impossible to be in 115 places at once.

One of the little known secrets that I came across is many counties are so strapped for cash they will sell properties any time of year to get them back on the tax payroll. Not every county will do this. St. Louis County will only sell their properties at the sale. Each county has their own rules and way of doing things.

In Missouri there are 1st, 2nd & 3rd year tax sales. When someone does not pay taxes for 3 years their property goes into the 1st tax sale. 4 years of nonpayment goes into the 2nd year tax sale and 5 years of not paying taxes results in the property going to the 3rd year tax sale.

If you purchase a 1st or 2nd year tax deed, you will get a Collector’s deed. You will be paid back the amount you paid plus 8% when and if they pay the back taxes and redeem the property. You cannot do anything with the property and must simply wait. I’m not too excited about 8% and do not want to wait.

I want to own the properties so I almost exclusively buy 3rd year tax properties. Instead of getting a Collector’s deed I get a Trustees deed. I can go to my properties, improve them, sell them, whatever I choose.

Generally I like to stay with raw land, building lots, camping lots, city lots. It’s very important to make sure you know what the rules are. There are gated communities that have Property Owner Associations with rules and fees. Most will waive back fees that the previous owner owes (there are almost always fees usually the same amount of years that the taxes are owed on). Not all associations will waive those fees. This is best known up front.

I have met with several associations and gave presentations on why it is in their best interest to waive the back fees. Most will go for it and not all of them. I’m not in the business of paying someone else’s back fees and I am interested in getting fees paid from now on. They usually get it.

Another one of my favorite properties is city lots. This does take a little due diligence. I have made quite a bit of money with city lots. Many can be bought for a few hundred dollars and sold for several thousand. One thing to watch for is grass cutting. If you are not close to the property some towns will cut the grass and send you a bill or attach a lien on the property.

Most of the properties I buy do not have houses on them, although I have bought several with homes on them. They are usually in very poor shape. If someone has not paid taxes for 5 years you can guess what kind of shape the house is in. I have made lots of money with some of these properties. They require money, time and work.

OK, so buying the properties is easy. What about selling the properties? A few years ago I would put the properties up for auction and sell them sometimes within days. Generally I paid a few hundred dollars for a property and sell them for a few thousand.

We all know what happened to real estate in the last few years. Money is tighter and is a little tougher to get. So I have changed my strategy and became the bank. I keep it very simple. With a very small down payment, closing fee, 0% interest, no credit check and small monthly payments, everyone wins.

A property I have for sale right now goes like this. I have about $450 into this building lot. A couple of years ago it would have sold for around $1500. Today I have it for sale at $3900. Terms are 99cents down, $199 closing fee and $39 per month. No prepayment penalty and they can use and improve their property. I have total security as I do not deed it over to them until it’s paid for.

For more info:

John Lee
